Adivasi Vikas Vibhag (Nagpur) - Web Portal

With successful implementation of two very innovative and important apps for tribal department, Embedded Creation, Nagpur, got an opportunity to create a central data repository with secure access to all data generated by the two successful mobile apps titled, Adivasi Vikas Vibhag and E-Nirikshan.

The web portal with url is another feather in cap for Embedded Creation.

This web portal allows direct access to every tribal to upload his contribution to society through link titled Yashogatha.

Anyone can go through complete information and various schemes in classified way.

All high rank officers, including ATC and all project officers can login through their respective login credentials and monitor the activities of subordinates and E-Nirikshan reports.


1. The web portal was launched by Chief Secretary Smt. Manisha Varma on occasion of International Tribal Day, 2019.
2. The website offered direct communication channel to tribals for their grievance redressal and for information gathering.