Covid Bed Allotment System – Realtime covid bed availability dashboard for GMC Nagpur

With clear intension of keeping every citizen up-to-date with information on the developments related to Covid Bed Availability in Nagpur's biggest and most prestigious institution – GMC - we have developed and deployed a realtime easy to use Mobile app as data logger for Covid Bed Availability / status.

Using this app, we have removed the procedural delays those were responsible for delayed data updates on status of availability of Covid Beds In GMC, Nagpur.

The app was developed under the guidance of 2 IAS officers, Dean of GMC and the other expert and experienced staff members of GMC.

The effective use of technology provided some respite to corona warriors who are risking their life and working tirelessly to control the corona pandemic. We at Embedded Creation, Nagpur feel honoured to get a chance to work with experts in the field and to put our engineering skills in place and contribute little bit from our side in this fight against CORONA